*the Stevie Wonder song, "I just called to say, I love you"
*Tap Shoes
*Kenny Rogers
*Kermet the Frog
*Peanut Butter Tasty cakes
*Chicken & Dumplings
*Soup w. Hot Dogs & Hamburger meat she used to make
*Old Jerry Lewis movies
*Native American things
*Memories of her taking me to Dance Class, & getting new Stickers for my Sticker albums at the Hallmark Store
*Made for TV Movies
*Mall Pizza Place.. "Orange Bowl"
*Tootsie Rolls
*Black Licorice candies
Always in my HEART! I Love YOU Mommy! RIP 1949-2001
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Things that remind me of my Grandma
*JuJu Fruits
*25,000 Pyramid w Dick Clark
*"Like Sands through the hourglass so are the Days of Our Lives" Title words
*Ring O' Magic (plastic toys) Kinda an early version of Lego's
*Otter Pops
*Diet Soda especially Root Beer
*Snyders Hard Pretzels
*Rocky Road Ice Cream eaten with Pretzel Rods instead of Spoons
I love you Grandma.. Always in my heart! 1920-1992
*25,000 Pyramid w Dick Clark
*"Like Sands through the hourglass so are the Days of Our Lives" Title words
*Ring O' Magic (plastic toys) Kinda an early version of Lego's
*Otter Pops
*Diet Soda especially Root Beer
*Snyders Hard Pretzels
*Rocky Road Ice Cream eaten with Pretzel Rods instead of Spoons
I love you Grandma.. Always in my heart! 1920-1992
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
March of Dimes Award Dinner
So we got an invitation to the March of Dimes Awards dinner again this year, & in the past we never went. I guess for a couple of reasons, I don't like the spotlight & also I'm not sure how I feel about a charity spending money on a dinner or awards for that matter so we've always declined. BUT then we got a note from them saying Emily was going to receive the 2nd place youth walker award for Gloucester County. Our family team also would be getting an award for 5th place Family Team. :) So anyway.. we thought Emily would like receiving an award & when we told her about it, she was so thrilled at the idea! So that was that, we were going, both Brian & I felt the same way.. well now we must go! I think for me too, it being our 10th walk it felt like it was the right time. Considering the reasons we were going we weren't that disappointed when the dinner was not very good & I kinda respected that they didn't throw mucho bucks at it, I really mean no offense.. hope u can see what I'm trying to say. They had BBQ drum sticks, baked beans & corn on the cob (the frozen kind) BUT it was in a beautiful venue & the room had a view of a water fountain in the middle of a lake. SO it was nice. Anyway.. we didn't really know what to expect having never been to one before. They must have only had the venue for 2 hours cause after quickly getting our dinners, the MC guy gave a speech & started handing out awards.. first were corporate donors, than the Family Teams, which we had to get up in front of everyone & accept, *not my cup of tea.. but it wasn't too uncomfortable.. & they did give us a really nice plague with our TEAM's name listed on it & our 5th place title... they took our picture & we held the plague proudly! Then they called the YOUTH walker awards.... Which Emily got a 2nd Place AWARD! She also received a plague with her name on it & her 2nd place title.. she was so HAPPY! We let her go up to receive it by herself, which she did great---& then Emily just had fun!!! She went from the back of the room where they were handing out the awards to the front of the room where the MC was & was raising her hands in the air like YAY!!! Then she gave the MC guy--- a HIGH five, while the crowd cheered! I was one proud mama & then she went even further.. the MC guy said, so do you want to give a speech? I think half in jest & she totally surprising everyone when she said yes and took the MICROPHONE from him & starting giving an impromptu speech saying Thank you and explaining how she raised the money for the March of Dimes! By the end.. i was crying & everyone was clapping!! The MC guy, said "See that's what this is about!!!" That's my girl making something special,EXTRA special!! I love her & I say it often but I'm going to say it again, she reminds me everyday how to live a life.. with happiness & full of joy! Here's a few pics from the night, an event I'm really happy that we went to! :)

Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Weekend Hello..
Hey everyone... What's up??? I'm soo tired I can't even believe it.. I slept for almost 10 hours last night & then took an unexpected nap today from 11:30 to 2 PM!!!! I didn't mean to sleep that long, & when i woke up I kept looking at the clock thinking no way??? I thought i was asleep for 1/2 hour.. i know that makes me seem really lazy but I've actually been super busy in the last month & I think I really needed it, SO many things going on for Emily's end of school year/graduation..plus all the regular life things & Emily started drum lessons on Wednesdays too... the little rocker.. she's been doing really good with them so far. :) So I've been busy & I'm one tired lady I guess plus I've chaperoned 3 field trips in two weeks!!! Yesterday we went to Clementon Park w/ most of the entire 5th grade class.... it was the safety field trip.. 5th graders in Emily's school can volunteer to be safety's.. (every quarter they assign new kids to certain jobs around the school.. hallway monitor kinda thing.. some are bus patrol, Emily helped in a 1st grade class as her JOB during the beginning of the school year) Anyway... so we spent a long, hot day at Clementon Park.. which is a local park here in NJ... it has amusement rides & a water park.. the water park is pretty nice! We stayed in the water park for the majority of the day.. especially since Emily doesn't like rides very much but she loved hangin in the wave pool & we were there for most of it. She had a really good time! I'll post pics later! :) Anyway... Im sooooo happy Brian comes home on Monday... YAY YAY YAY!!!!! I've really missed him & really need a bit of a mental break... I don't like this whole single parent thing.. which I've felt like I've been for the last month.. very difficult.. i have such a new respect for Military families... REALLY & TRULY! He's been gone a month.. wow!! We made it. End of year?? Went so fast this year, & believe it or not Emily graduates on June 11th from Elementary school... when I think about it i really feel like crying.. i don't know why? I guess her growing up, changing a school we like & feel comfortable at...it's just hard.. I don't know but it's really really really hitting me that she's growing up. Makes me feel bitter-sweet & gives me a whole new set of concerns for her. Love her so much, I'm sure lots of parents feel the same way I do at this age and time in their kids lives. Middle school concerns... all that drama. :( Anyway, if I write anymore I'm going to be crying so anyway.. Emily also had her 5th grade social.. see pics below.. It was really cute, they had games & there was a DJ... it was cute seeing all the kids dancing together(in a group not couples thank GOD!! So not ready for that but in groups.. Emily did great!! She's a little un-coordinated but all in all did really well. I was really proud seeing her trying all the line dances and such. :) She was the best twirler out there.. it's funny she had trouble with the kicking but the twirls were top notch..lol. Anyway... decided to just order a pizza for dinner & It's here so I need to get done writing for now.. have a great weekend everyone! :)
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