Well today was family day at my house. Every Saturday we kind of let Emily (our daughter )rule. She gets to decide what we do as a family. Today we went bowling. We had a really nice time. Emily weighs all of 35 lbs and the ball weighs 6lbs so it's quite a thing to see her lift it and throw/roll/push that thing down the lane. Two times some kid that worked at the bowling alley had to retrieve the ball becuase it kind of stopped halfway down the lane. It was really cute... and we bowled two games and Emily didn't complain or not enjoy herself once. SHE LOVED IT!! Brian(my hubby) is going to Orlando on Saturday for a week on business. Which SUCKS! So it was really nice to have this great family day before he has to leave. Brian is also going to Ireland this summer for two weeks... it's his dream vacation. He is going with his best friend who just happens to be named Brian too. Many people think I'm crazy for not going. I honestly beleive Brian will have more fun there with Brian than with me. They are more similar and will enjoy some of the same things: hiking, mountains, cliffs, scary wooden rope bridges between two mountains, etc. Those things don't much interest me and I am terribly afraid of heights. Yes, my phobias stop me from doing alot but that's just how it is for me. The funny thing is my husband DOES NOT drink alcohol at all. SO the pubs are really not of much interest to him. They would probably be the thing I'd like the best.... not that I'm much of a drinker either, but I do enjoy social drinking sometimes. We are the kind of people that don't even have any alcohol in our house. If I go to a BBQ or something I might have a mixed drink or a beer occasionally. But that's it. Brian keeps saying that as soon as they learn he doesn't drink at all they may just kick him out of Ireland or something. It's not like he doesn't drink becuase he was an alcoholic or something... he just hates the taste of alcohol. I occasionally wish that he would drink (just sometimes) becuase I think it can be fun & relaxing. Like a glass of wine or something. But I'd take him this way as opposed to an alcoholic any day. So it's fine with me that he doesn't drink!! He'll probably come back from Ireland a drunk and then I'll be in trouble. I really don't think that all Irish people drink--- just most of them :) LOL I haven't been on vacation in over a year and I could really use one though. We are trying to plan a trip to New Mexico to visit my Mother in Law. She moved there about 3 or 4 years ago and we STILL haven't been out to see her. So we are beginning to feel bad, so we definately need to get out there sometime this summer. She's a real hoot... she moved from NYC to New Mexico. Just call her Georgia O'keefe but for her it's not painting it's photography. SHe's also a world traveler.. she's been to China, Peru, Turkey, Greece, Moraco, and many others. She's a pretty remarkable person. She visits often but I wish for Emily's sake that she lived closer. Especially since my mom isn't alive I wish that Emily's other grandma was here for her more. But I can't really control that it's just my wish. Growing up my Grandmom lived close to us and even at some points with us so maybe thats part of it too. Anyway it's getting very late and I have to work at the deli tomorrow... (UUURRRGGGHHH I really hate that job. I need to quit. I only work on Sundays and even that is too much. I think that means I need to leave) so I guess I'll go to bed now. Peace.
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