Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Going, going, going...mind, places, time.

My husband and I saw the movie, KNOCKED UP... It was Hysterical. I really loved it. I think that actor Seth Rogan is so likeable. Just really fun, if you just want fun, you should go see it. We hadn't seen a movie in a looonnnngg time and I'm trying to even remember the last movie we saw before that. Maybe CARS with Emily. Not sure. My husband just reminded me that we saw Disturbia... I even wrote about it in my blog and it wasn't even that lonnngg ago. Oh well.. my mind is going at 35.. I'm in trouble. Ha Ha. Today, I spent most of the day cleaning my house. Although, I did go out to lunch with my best friend and her two kids. She has a four year old little girl and a 10 week old boy. They are so cute. I love em. It was very nice. Went to Don Pablo's--- love Mexican food YUMMY. The cable guy is here right now trying to fix our signal strength or something like that. My mother-in-law, Pat is visiting NJ on Friday too. SO I thought today was a good day for a good spring cleaning. Pat is only visiting for 2 days, she's really just coming to take our nephew to California. (Brian's brother's family lives like 5 minutes away from us). Pat has decided when her grandchildren turn 13, she'll take them anywhere in the US they want to go. I wonder if she cares what the parents think? You know, Oh well. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Maybe it's just another Manic Missy thing. I'm listening to a Reba McEntire CD right now. I'm not a huge country music fan but some I really like. I really like Reba's ALOT because it reminds me of my Mom. I've been thinking and missing her very much today. Just feel like a need her right now. I don't care how old you are, sometimes everyone needs their Mommy. You know. Reba's music makes me feel close to her. I like that. Emily only has 2 days of school left... then she will be a 1st grader. It seems like just yesterday I was putting her on the bus for the first time ever. The year went so quickly. She's becoming such a BIG girl. It's amazing. I hope that next year doesn't quite seem to go so quick. I want her to stay little for a little while more. Time is just going, going, going. Wish there was a pause button for just a little bit. You know.

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