Saturday, July 21, 2007

today is BORING..

Okay I've been so bored today. NOTHING TO DO!!!! TV sucks and I am in a really lazy mood. I did a few projects this morning....... sorted a bag of random socks that I have, hung up clothes and organized Emily's closet, made potato salad and cleaned up the office. BUT I am just bored now and I don't know what to do. I should find something to do with Emily as she is probably bored too although right now she is watching TV. Which makes me feel like a bad mom. Does every Mom let their kids watch this much TV----- I personally know people that have their TV on constantly and I know we don't but I still know she is watching too much. I am always worrying---- Am I doing all I can for her? Did my Mom worry this much? Does everyone or is just me? Everyone who knows me, will tell ya----it's just me. Ha I occasionally just need to chill and think what is the worst thing that is going to happen..... years from now she will not remember that in the summer of 2007, I allowed her to watch too much TV. Atleast I hope not. God, that would suck!!! I am listening to KT Tunstall.... I LOVE THAT CD. Brian called earlier... sounds like he's having an enjoyable time although he said he was on like a 5 hour shuttle ride from the airport... which he said SUCKED. But when I talked to him last he was trying to find something to eat.... good luck... worried alittle about him finding food he will enjoy there. He is a little picky. Emily is doing good, kids are so resilent. She is acting fine( without Daddy being here-), which makes me glad but also like is that Normal? Again... worrying. I am constantly worrying. I need to CHILL. Seriously. Okay.. well since I haven't really said much of anything in this blog I guess I'll go and be bored in another room... Ha

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