Thursday, April 11, 2013


We walk every year in March for Babies, which is a walk to help premature babies.  This is ofcourse because our own daughter Emily was born very premature back in November of 2000.  This will be our 11th time walking.  We are very proud of that,  but each year it is a challenge to try & get donations.  Don't get me wrong, we are extremely blessed w/ good friends & families but ofcourse we want to raise as much as we can for this worthy charity,  one that we care so much about on such a personal level.  We believe that through their work, & advances in premature babies care, we owe them a great deal. If Emily had been born only 10 yrs before she was her outcome could have been very different.   SO we are beyond grateful to them & it means the world to us to be able to give back & it feels so damn good too!  SO This year we decided to do something different.  We call it a win-win for everyone. Aside from the normal fund-raising we'll do, we wanted to do a little something extra to help raise money & it involves my husband Brian's book, "A LIFE BEGUN" about Emily's birth & our time in the NICU which is now available to buy.  The book is really good, & I know I'm bias but everyone who has ever read it has said the same thing.  In fact just the other day, Brian got an email from someone who said, it was "WONDERFUL simply WONDERFUL! She was crying at her desk at work because she couldn't stop reading!"  But anyway,  enough of my gushing over my husband's book, it honestly just comes from the pride I feel for him having wrote it, & for us having lived through the most difficult bitter-SWEET time in our lives.  BUT you'll have to buy the book to get the FULL story of all we endured & the lessons we learned because of it.  Which finally brings me to the real point of this blog post.  We have decided we will give 20% of the profits we make off book sales NOW until 4/27/2013. The day before the walk.  IF you buy the book before 4/27/2013 we will calculate 20% of the money we make off sales & personally donate that amount to March of Dimes before our walk on 4/28/2013.  SO right now is the PERFECT time to read it, cause not only will you get to read a great book but you'll get a chance to help us, help babies.   xoxo;jsessionid=604E43DE31743821B30F4E951FD3A0CF

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