Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A NYC Christmas Day!

Went to NYC this weekend with some friends, their children & Emily. We had a great time..Saw the Radio City Music Christmas show, had lunch at RockCenter Cafe, Visited the American Girl Store, the Lego Store, and FAO Shwartz. It was a fun day!!Of course in NYC I paid $21.00 for a CHEESEBURGER!!! WOW, it was really a very GOOD cheeseburger BUT holy-cow that is a lot of money. Oh Well.. Emily enjoyed the show a lot & liked NYC too. She did so well, we walked a lot and she didn't complain at all. We were right in front of the Ice Skaters at Rockefeller Center Ice Rink while we ate, that was my favorite part! Like I said it was a fun long day, and Emily was definitely ready to go home by the end it, (*mostly because she forgot to do her Excel homework and got herself all concerned about that.) It ended up fine we got home around 9:15pm, she did her Excel homework and then she went to bed, only about 15-30 minutes late! It was a really long day though.. considering we left for NY around 7:30am.. and didn't get home til 9:15pm.. I think Emily slept well. :) I might have found a lil' Christmas Spirit there! Woooo... good cause I really need some! Been feeling a little down this year, it helped pick me up some!

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