Sunday, May 20, 2007

Rosie & Poop

I am addicted to Rosie O'Donnells blog. I just love it! I know alot of people don't like Rosie. But I just do. First of all she seems so genuine. I mean love her or hate her she is who she is and I respect that. I also happen to agree with about 85 % of what she says. I am a fairly liberal democrat. I believe in a woman's right to choose, I totally support stem cell research, I don't agree with the war in Iraq and think we should withdraw as soon as possible. I'm a little wishy washy when it comes to voicing these opinions to others and I dig people who can stand up for what they believe in. I am too afraid to speak too loud and I think it's cool she isn't. Anyway, 0n to other things.... my daughter finally is pooping on the potty. She is 6 1/2 and I was beginning to think she would still be in a pull up to poop when she went on her honeymoon. But its been 2 weeks and she hasn't needed those dreaded pull ups once. I'm so relieved (about not having to change any more of those things) and so happy ( yes--- she is doing it in the potty ) and so proud ( yeah! yeah! yeah! she is doing it!) I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS....... I will not sympathize with any parent who tells me how hard it is to potty train their 2 1/2 year old and how it took 6 months. I mean really come back to me after 4 years and I promise I will give you all the sympathy and love you need. But otherwise Shove it ... I am the poop nazi .. " No sympathy for you!" (gotta love Seinfeld) Anyway it's getting kind of late and I'm feeling a little sleepy so I think I'll end this right here. Goodnight! and Happy Dreaming! Peace.

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