Friday, August 31, 2007

Birthday wisdom, from Mom

Today is my birthday and I'm 36. I have always found birthdays a tad depressing. I mean not always but since I turned 27 I have. I don't know why 27. But for me that was the #. But, I've tried to look at it differently ever since my Mom died... Let me share some wisdom from my mom with you. The last few years of my mom's life when she was battling her cancer. She would say I LOVE BIRTHDAYS... because It means I lived another year. Every year around my birthday when I'm feeling that feeling of oh no another birthday. I can hear my mom saying these words to me and it makes me want to try and remember that I should NOT be sad about turning another year older but be happy and celebrate another year of my life that I lived. It isn't always easy. I mean I don't like getting older but it is true, I'm lucky to be here. I need to remember my Mom's wisdom this day and let it remind me of how terrific my life is and how lucky I am to be living it. I'm gonna try and Mom, I'm remembering you today as always and loving you so much!!

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