Monday, April 21, 2008

EMily's Favorite toy...OH MY!!

Okay personally I'm not a fan of those BIG headed hoochie momma dolls- The Bratz. But I have got to tell you.. I found this Bratz globe at a really great price at Xmas for Emily and becuase she had outgrown this little Vtech globe(that was much loved), I decided to take a chance and we bought it for her - even though I'm really sorta opposed to the whole Bratz thing. ANyway, Emily LOVES this thing!! She plays with it so much and since she's ALWAYS been a kid who loves to learn she has always loved learning toys the most. SHe devours all the information this globe gives out. Like what the currency is for this country or that country. Or it tells you a countries name and you point to it with a little airplane pen. IT also tell you the lauguage spoken in a all the countries and fun facts about them as well. She has become quite the geography superstar. The reason I decided to write this blog was becuase she just said in the cutest LOUD voice... Mommy, DID you know that I have found 4 other COUNTRIES that use the US DOllar? No Honey I didn't..... Then she proceeded to find them on the globe and count them down......for example Equador. I thought oh my... oh my, I can't wait to found out in 15 years what this girl will become. SHe could change the world, No Matter what she becomes, she sure is special! OH also, it makes the fact that Brian paid $50 in shipping for this TOY, easier to swallow. He didn't do it on purpose, we were a little late decided we would buy it and it was getting close to Xmas and Brian checked Priority shipping before he realized it would Cost $50 TO SHIP... OH well, this is an example of not sweating the small stuff becuase we only ended up paying about $10 over the regular price and it's been well worth it.... :) WHO knew, THe BRatz globe would be the WINNER of the Christmas presents? I sure didn't expect that.

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