Thursday, September 17, 2015

I got a million of these stories.... #Workingretail

Working retail is a lesson in patience or to put it a better way, to be a good retail worker you must have the ability to be patient in the face of the idiot-ness of people.  Believe me, in retail when it comes to customers,  you get a nice bag of nuts!  Customers, at times, can be friendly, funny and at other times... just down right infuriating.  The key to being a good retail worker is learning how to do your job well despite the personality of the customer you are waiting on.   To have patience & politeness regardless. Now,  don't get me wrong, the majority of our customers are nice, most are friendly & treat us well.   But every now & then you get someone who test you.  For instance the other day,  I'm waiting on a guy who can at times be "problematic".  He's just a little high-struck let's say.  He tends to fly off the handle a bit.  He's a "regular" so I've gotten used to him & his, for lack of a better word.. . "quirks".  So I'm ok,  when he tells me, "I need to use 2 "gift cards" & an ebt card to buy these 4 diet sodas I (ummm) "need " because I only have like a dollar on each one card"   It's fine. Hey, he's not yelling & making a scene, which he's done in the past, so I just go with it.   Yup,  that's fine, no problem at all!  Honestly,  it doesn't really bother me, one way or another.... as I like to say,  I'm here all night regardless.  BUT as usually happens,  he's a talker, & starts talking to me about how he needs these sodas & how he's so happy they are on sale cause he only has a little money left.   I just nod my head & smile.  He mentions something about "having to drink diet" because he's diabetic.  Which for reasons beyond my comprehension really irritates the lady behind him.  Who in all honesty is probably just annoyed with his slow ass way of paying.  BUT she says.... "Diet soda is soooooo bad for you!! It's worse than regular.  You should just drink water" blah blah blah  (I'm quietly willing this woman to just be quiet knowing how unstable this particular customer can be) & he follows right along,.... "Really?? well everyone has their vices... " blah blah... "atleast I don't smoke, I know this friend of mine who smokes all the time" blah blah...  She follows up with.... "well there are just so many chemicals in there"  blah blah  I'm thinking to my self... just mind your business lady.  But she goes on about asper(crap)tain & Phenalena(crap)aline... & blah blah blah.  Finally... thankfully... the usually "unrational" guy decides he has had enough.  THEN THE MOST hypocritical thing ever comes out of this woman's mouth.  "Can I have 5 packs of Marlboro menthol cigarettes?".  I just stare at her for the briefest of moments while willing the voice in side my head that's screaming at this woman who should have just received the nomination for hypocrite of the year, to please not let my face show her how I feel.   I mean come on...really????  5 PACKS of cigarettes & you have the nerve to question this man's choice of diet soda.   Her glass house must be a mansion..  WOW!  I just smiled & wished her well.  A little proud of myself for another successful experience with the idiots of our world.  Yup... that's retail.

Friday, September 11, 2015

a "Back to school" tid bit!

I discovered a very valuable "back to school" tid bit a few years ago,  that I'm going to share with you. It's the greatest back to school supply ever (ok.. I might be exaggerating but honestly it'll change your school life... Ok.. i'm still exaggerating ... but you get the idea) It's brilliant... listen up... when your children get to middle school & high school  they might have "notebook" checks.   When my daughter was in 7th grade,  her math teacher did notebook checks each semester.   It was a nightmare, a semesters worth of work, all needing to be in the 3 ring binder.  I mean get real, no matter the good intentions of the student, loose leaf paper gets ripped, it looks a mess... it was at least a two night job for Emily (with my help) to put those little reinforcement circles on the papers.  It was a "minor" nightmare!!!  SO LISTEN TO ME NOW.... do yourself a favor, go out and buy "reinforced" loose leaf paper..... it has a little strip of a "plastic" glue like substance down the circle edge of the paper & will help keep the paper from ripping from the rings.  It will prevent a maddening time with those little self sticking reinforcement circles that need to be added to each side of each individual ripped paper, and will save your child so much time and effort.  The paper is way more expensive... it doesn't matter!  I repeat... IT DOESN'T MATTER... go buy it anyway! Trust me... my husband found it on sale at staples from $5 down to $2... we bought all they had in stock! 7 (100 sheet) packets! You may be tempted by the .25c 200 sheet "crap" paper packets that the stores all have at back to school time, don't be.  Don't do it!! Buy the reinforced loose leaf paper!  That's all.   Have a good day! OHHHHH & don't even get me started on buying cheap 3 ring binders... you'll end up using 3 cheap ones a year because they rip at the seams... don't do it! Ok...Ok... that's really all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

High School.... it's Heeeerrrreee!

Feeling so many feelings on the eve of Emily entering High School.   There's an excitement & a little of a sadness (for me).   She's growing up so fast... & yet she's still so innocent & sweet.  In ways I want her to stay that way, and yet I know she can't stay a child for ever & live in a bubble, nor should she but it's sometimes scary to think about the fact that she has so much to learn about the world & growing up, in what is now 4 short years til graduation... will we be able to provide her with the knowledge she needs.  Can we let go enough for her to get her own wings?    It's a powerful thing to be a parent, to have the future of someone in your hand.  Are we capable?  Will we do the right things?  Yet,  even when I doubt myself.... I try hard to remember all that Emily has already overcome & despite all, she is still the happiest kid I know, she is fine. more than fine... she's Happy!!    That she has & does face every challenge & while things don't always come easy for her. Sometimes things are more difficult for Emily, &  that's why I worry... but Emily is ok.  She's alright!  She'll have a great time, & She's going to make lots of friends,  & when she does they'll be the BEST friends because that's Emily, always striving for perfection.  I know she's just waiting for the right person to come along, to get her, like a real friend does.  To click.  & I know she can do it, & she's going to have a great year! She'll reach for the stars!  I don't doubt that.  Ever since Emily was a young child we've always said... "She'll do it, in her own time"  It's just I said time seems to be going faster & faster!   The time is now Emily, go grab it!!! :)  As you enter high school remember to let these be the best four years of your life! Grab every opportunity, & face every challenge head on.  Don't be so shy that the years fly by & you have regrets,   personally I know I didn't do that when I was in school & I hope it's different for you! Please remember who you are,  but also grow & evolve.  Know that your parents love you & we'll also understand that at times we might not be the people you want to hang with,  we understand.  We'll always be cheering you & we'll always be right by your side, even when we are far from you.  We love you Emily & I know that you are going to do so great in high school.  You will continue as always to make us proud... I just know it! Good Luck babygirl!!! You are awesome, don't ever let anyone else make you feel any differently!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

I got the "working retail" blues...(PART 1 in an ungoing series)

Working retail.... involves a lot of moving shit from one side of a shelf to the other. #andthepointis

Working retail.... involves a lot of customers being mad at you because more people aren't working the registers.  Well I am mad about that too & since I'm actually the only one working hard for you, why are you getting mad at me?  #Dumbass

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The "turkey" switcharoo....

A while ago we made the switch from "Ground beef" to "Ground turkey"  I now use ground turkey in everything I used to make with ground beef.  I make turkey chili, turkey meat spaghetti sauce, & turkey taco's,  I  never even think about it missing anything.  I've gotten so used to it.  I don't even miss ground beef anymore... plus it's funny one day when my husband was away I decided to make chili with ground beef instead of turkey & I didn't really care for it anymore.  who knew?  Its cheaper than beef,  taste really good, & is healthier!!!  Why not give it a shot?  I bet after a while you won't even tell.  Now mind you.. I still like a hamburger every once in a while!! ;)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Television kid....

I was raised by a single mother for most of my childhood.  For about 5 years we lived with my mom's second husband... but for most of my childhood it was just us kids & my mom.   Needless to say there wasn't a lot of money for a lot of extra things for us to do, so we watched a lot of television as kids.  Especially me.  I loved TV.  I grew up in the 1970's & 1980's.... I mean I LITERALLY grew up in both of those decades.  I graduated high school in 1990.  I was born in 1971.  I loved that era.   Granted, it's all I know but I honestly loved it.  My childhood wasn't always easy but we had a lot of "freedoms" & innocent joy that I'm not sure kids today do.   I of course watched all the tv classics... like Laverne & Shirley, Happy Days, The Dukes of Hazard, heck even... Dallas.  But I wasn't really into them that much,  I watched them because they were on.  What I remember watching & liking more than any other show was believe it or not.  Quincy ME.  I loved Quincy.  Recently I started watching a channel called MEtv it shows all the classic tv I grew up on.  Every day at 11 they show an episode of Quincy.  It's literally my "me" time.  No... I don't usually get to watch it right at 11,  nor do I really want to.  I like dvr'ing it, so I can fast forward the commercials.  I've gotten used to watching television this way, & because of that I really dislike watching "live" television.  Call me spoiled.  But anyway... I love Quincy ME.  Even as I've said before & total believe that it contributed to my "neurotic-ness"  But I still love it.  I mean learning all these different ways one can reach their demise probably isn't necessary good for a young child but re-watching it I also think there's another reason I liked it.  If I put on my "Psychologist" hat,  I think not having a father figure in my life I longed for someone in my own life like Quincy.  Anyone who watches Quincy knew that that character that Jack Klugman played was a "savior" type,  a real warrior for victims, he was kind when needed & tough when it called for it.  He was what I imagined a real father should be.  yes.... I have daddy issues I suppose.  I don't know how one grows up without a daddy & doesn't have them.   The funny thing is the character Quincy didn't have children.  Well not real children,  I think he mentored several & he called one his "foster" child but he didn't have his own.  So it's funny to me that I would see him that way.  But I did.  I guess what it boils down to is I really just wanted "Quincy" to be my dad.  My mom liked watching Quincy too.  Maybe perhaps she wanted someone like "Quincy" to be her husband.  lol  Although he always seemed like a bit of a womanizer to me in that   Anyway... I don't know & maybe I'm just reading into it too much but I think I'm actually on to something.  What can I say I'm in my head a lot,  I always have been more of a "serious" person than a "lighthearted" type.   Maybe it's as simple as that.   After all ... I too was obsessed with after school specials, & all those "Dawn... a portrait of a teenage runaway" type late night movies.  I always went for the heavy.  So perhaps it's as simple as that why I like Quincy.  Who knows?  I know I've re watched about 4 seasons on MeTV so far of Quincy's 7 or 8 season run.  What is funny, is because it's been 25 to 30 years since I watched them they seem "new" to me.  Also it amazes me how much the subject matter hasn't really changed or we still haven't dealt with the issues that were being discussed back then.  Like "big corporation", "police brutality" etc.  Whatever the reason for me being drawn to Quincy ME.  I'm just happy there's a channel like MeTV that replays these shows that mean so much to not only me but a whole generation of people.    

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cooper (Our Border Collie puppy) today 7/30/15

Here's Cooper... what a cutie!!  I love the one ear up one ear down look!!!! He's the best!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

For the love of Cooper...

Thought I'd share an update of our new puppy Cooper.  He's just about 4 months old....& just about  30 lbs! Having a border collie is AWESOME & EXHAUSTING!!!!! He's really a wonderful puppy, let me get that statement out first BEFORE I tell you how exhausting taking care of him is at times.  LOL! First up the good....  He's so smart & house training for the most part was a breeze.  He sleeps thru the night just fine & he's a sweetheart.  He's the "star" of his training puppy class, & he picks up on new instruction easy.  He loves being by your side & doesn't run away from you if(he accidentally) gets outside with out his leash on.  He comes right back to you.  He requires lots of walks (I'm putting this in the plus column because I need the exercise)   NOW...ways he's a handful.... he wants your attention CONSTANTLY!! Which is hard sometimes.  He gets into stuff a lot! He requires lots of walks (I'm putting this in the handful column as well because sometimes I just don't wanna! LOL) He's a vacuum cleaner & every paper, coin, rubber band, etc that he finds laying around... he will try to eat! He takes the remote every time you leave it anywhere in reach of him...."the I have the remote game" he plays several times a day is so annoying.   It's hard to remember in the moment when you are doing something that Cooper will probably get that thing you've left a little too close to the edge of the table.... it's very frustrating.   He's so smart that if you deviate your instruction of a lesson in the least little way he thinks it's a new one.   For instance I wanted him to learn to wipe his feet when he came in from being outside, so we got this "dirty dog" mat for him to use.  Well when Brian started training him on this, he made up this little song... "Wipe your paws, Wipe your paws" & said it in this cutesy little sounding voice. (he's probably going to hate that I'm sharing BUT now if you don't sing it in the same little tone I swear he won't wipe his paws,  plus it's kind of embarrassing singing it in front of house  He's too smart for his own good sometimes.   Also it's so true what they say about Border Collies that if you don't give them a job,  they will find one you don't like.  (like... digging in the sofa for lost treasure,  etc.)  BUT..... If I could go back in time knowing everything I know about him we'd still jump at the chance to have him in our life.   The joy he brings outweighs the exhaustion.   He's a sweetie & the fact that he loves us unconditionally is such a wonderful feeling.  I love him very much, but part of me will be happy when he outgrows some of these puppy (Oh God... I hope they are just puppy) "issues".

Friday, July 24, 2015

Scariest 20 minutes

Yesterday Brian, Emily & Cooper (our dog) went for a walk.   Emily needed a little encouragement to go cause she wasn't really feeling like it.  But since she hadn't done a lot that day except indoor stuff... Brian & I encouraged her to go on & go.  I told her that if she wanted to come home before them she could.  Being ever so mindful that Emily needs to have those "independent" moments... though not thinking about it getting dark.  Anyway.... my hip was bothering me so I decided to stay home.   Brian calls me just as it was starting to get dark out & says Emily should be getting home any second as she decided to head back.  I said, OK?  But its dark out?  I asked which way they had gone in the neighborhood & he said to the right of our house.  Emily is way more familiar with the left of our house part of our neighborhood.  Anyway that's when I started to get a little worried.  Especially when I look down our street & don't see her.  Also Brian said he had snuck around a side street & ran to try and catch up to where she should have been.... uh oh.  Where's Emily?  panic starts setting in... I couldn't stay home & do nothing so I decided to start walking in the direction of where she should be.  I didn't see her, & then I ran into Brian & said, You didn't find her? NO....  P A N I C is really starting now!! I know it might not seem "rational" to be so worried so soon,  but you know your children & it wasn't like Emily to not be where she was suppose to be.  We knew that either she had gotten herself lost or something else happened.  We didn't really want to think about what else could have happened.   We probably knew it was the first thing, rather than the other but you never know & every second we didn't know where she was, was torture.   Anyway... Brian says I'm heading home to get the car.  I follow right behind to go home incase she called.    All the while... praying praying & praying!  "Please God... let her be ok" Over & Over!  I knew that if Brian was worrying too.  I was not being the "paranoid one" this time.  It was even scaring Brian.  Anyway.... about maybe 10 minutes later (which felt like an hr) Brian calls to say he has her.  But then he hangs up on me.  So not what to do.  I was immediately relieved a little but still a bit scared cause he had hung up on me.  About two minutes later he calls me back & says he has her.  She got her self lost & just stayed put.  Which was probably the right thing to do we both tell her.  It ended up fine & it was definitely a "learning" experience for all.  We won't let Emily walk home alone again (especially at night) UNLESS she has her phone & definitely knows exactly where she's going.  Brian had gone over with her before she left him how to get back BUT when it got dark I think she got a little mixed up.  Emily was definitely scared.  She was very thankful to see Brian.  She said she was worried about us being worried about her.  Such a sweetie.  But I could tell she was really scared- plus she said it was the most scared she had ever been.  I knew it from the look in her face she meant it.  We ended up having a conversation & sharing our stories of when each of us had gotten lost too. or our siblings did.  That it was actually a very common childhood thing to experience even if it's a scary one.  As I always say... You learn most when you make a mistake & boy did we all learn some lessons.   Next time we will all be prepared & I said next time you'll take Cooper with you too.  I asked her would it have been a little less scary if Cooper was with you & she said yes.  Ok.. no dark, only with her phone, instructions, & Cooper until she's more comfortable with it.  I think a map might be a good thing as well.  To get her more familiar with the "side streets" in our neighborhood.  We also explained what to do if more time had passed.  To keep walking til she found a major street & find a business & ask to use their phone.  Any which way she walked that would have eventually happened. etc.  Over all it was probably a good thing in the end.  I good lesson but boy were those minutes of "unknowing" scary!!!!! I hugged Emily extra extra long last night & even when she gave me a hug before bed, her hug to me seemed to be extra long too. I LOVE YOU Emily...but don't do that again, my heart can't take it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pocono Vacation Pictures Part II

Pocono Vacation in Pictures Part 1

Pocono Trip Summer 2015

We just got home from a lil' less than a week at the Poconos. My mother n law turned 75 in March and wanted as her present from her son's (she has three) that they & their families & herself go somewhere together.  So the three sons pitched in to make it happen.  We were there from Saturday July 11th til Thursday July 16th.  Our family was going to stay til Friday but we had to get Cooper out of the kennel before 11 on Friday & didn't want to get stuck in traffic & miss getting home on time so we ended up leaving on Thursday night.  Jim's family (Brian's youngest brother) owns a timeshare & was able to book the condo we stayed at & were kind enough to share it with us.  Our family were kinda "tag-alongs". It was nice, because it took a lot of the "planning/stressing", not to mention "hotel" expense out of our hands.  We were extremely grateful to them for letting us stay there.  Brian/Emily/& I haven't really been on any kind of family trip all together since a quick weekend trip to Boston a few years ago so on top of being able to spend time w/ Pat & our brothers' families,  it was just nice to have any kind of "family" vacation for our family.   My mother in law Pat is a very "outdoorsy" type.   She loves nature, traveling & doing hikes.  It's a trait that runs in all three of her boys as well.  So this trip consisted of a lot of hiking, trails, water falls,  & nature.  We even managed a little rafting on the Delaware River. It was really nice.  I enjoy the outdoors too, but maybe not quite as much as they all do.  Mostly because I'm not in the greatest of shape at the moment which made some of it a bit hard on me.  (This trip was a good reminder for me to get myself in better shape....which is a lot easier said than done.)Pat had arrived on Friday & stayed with us at our home in NJ & drove up with us to the Poconos on Saturday.   We got there in the late afternoon on Saturday & decided to take it easy that first night so we just ordered a pizza for dinner, & did a little grocery shopping for anything we still needed to pick up for the week.  On Sunday.... Rob (The middle brother) would be arriving with his family of 5.  They would be there from Sunday to Thursday.  Their 3 boys are heavily involved in sports & this was what they needed to do to make it work.  We were just grateful they could make it!  It was really nice seeing them.  They live in Ohio & we don't see them as much as we would like to.  Anyway... we had decided that each of the families would make a meal.  This way not one family was doing everything & we didn't have to eat out every night.  On Sunday Debbie (Jim's wife) made chicken parm, with spaghetti & Italian bread, Monday I made BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, & corn on the cob and Tuesday Eileen (Rob's wife) made turkey taco's!  Everything everyone cooked was delicious!!! It was a great idea & everyone felt like they pitched in & yet, could take it easy on the nights when they didn't have to cook! Brilliant! LOL!   For my part,  it was the first time I made pulled pork sandwiches,   I was relieved when they came out really good!!  I tend to get nervous when I have to cook for a lot of people.. you know will there be enough?  Will everyone like it?  Etc.  I'm not used to cooking for so many people.  But it all worked out.  I made a really simple pulled pork recipe using of all things.... ginger ale! It was super yummy & moist... if I do say so  Anyway... On Monday we decided to go rafting, since all of us couldn't fit on one raft.   We split the families up... Brian, Emily & I went with Rob's family in a raft (8 people)& Pat & Jim's family were in another (6 people).  I think everyone had a good time,  I know our raft had a lot of fun!!! We sang songs, & laughed a lot! We tried our best to find any "white" water we could!! Which was hard to do,  lol.  The water was very calm! It wasn't the most exciting of water rafting but it was still a lot of fun!!  We sang (& tortured our kids with a bunch of songs they didn't ie: Gilligan's Island theme songs)& rowed & rowed!! We all stopped 1/2 way up the river trip to this little island & had a picnic lunch.  We called it Monkey Island.  Cause the night before Rob & John (our nephew) were sharing a story about their recent trip to Nicaragua & about a little island called Monkey island that was about the size of this one.  Only 4 people were the actual rowers in each raft! Our group got a little competitive when for a brief bit,  the other raft was beating us!! LOL!   We blamed it on the fact that at that point our youngest nephew Mikey got out to swim & was hanging on to the back of the raft & dragging us down, so we lost some ground.  We told Mikey he had to get back in so we could kick it up a notch... lol!   We ended up passing them & never looking back.. lol!  Not that it matters in the least but... we smoked them!!! HeHe!  It was fun!  The only little downside was that John was not feeling his best... he still had a bit of lingering upset stomach from his Nicaraguan trip.  But he was a real trooper & took it easy & made it down the river just fine.  We all went back to our condo &  ate the pulled pork which was cooking all day in the crock pot & watched American Ninja Warrior on television!! I think maybe some people played a game too.   It was a fun day! We weren't sure what our plans would be for Tuesday because they were calling for rain.   It was an annoying rain cause it was very intermittent. Each family kind of did their own thing that day....  Rob & his family + Pat ended up going to Camelback & zip-lining.  Our nephew Patrick & his mom Debbie stayed at the condo to work on Patrick's school assignment, Jim & his two other kids went fishing & Brian, Emily & I did a little exploring & had lunch at this great place called Dale's!! Super Yummy!  Recommend it if you are near Camelback Ski Lodge! We all got together that night at Rob's condo for taco's & a rousing game of Apples to Apples.  Emily really enjoyed that game, a possible Christmas idea!  Everyone seemed to have a good day, well except I'm not sure if working on a school assignment was Patrick's idea of fun! Poor Patrick. Wednesday we planned on doing a little hike with all of us.  (Various family members did a few little hikes on a few of the days thus far) while some of us would be getting showered & stuff... but this was our "first" organized hike with everyone... but when we woke up on Wednesday it was raining pretty heavily which put a crimp in the early day hiking plans.  Jim/Debbie & family decided to get in a little outlet shopping since there was a big one near by.   Our family hung at the condo until the rain subsided & then we went w/ Rob's family to hike some water falls which were about a 1/2 to 3/4 hour away.  So much fun!  We had no idea what to expect but the waterfalls were really cool, we even saw a bunch of deer on the hike up to the falls, & lots of people were even swimming in them.  Our adventurous nephews were over the moon I think & Bryan our one nephew even went across a big log that had fallen over the river & sat on it!  He seemed to be quite happy out there! I was happily surprised that Emily was having so much fun on this hike as well!! She didn't complain at all & actually was enjoying it a lot!! Emily usually isn't much of a nature it was great to see her having so much fun outside!  Everyone enjoyed themselves, & I think my husband Brian was really happy!  He really enjoys hiking & I think he liked that we were all there together doing this.  I was too.   Everyone got back together Wednesday night & we cooked up burgers, brats, & sante fe green pepper sausages on the grill & had an outdoor bbq at the park/swimming pool area at our condo resort.  Afterwards we went back to the condo & some of the family played another game of Apples & Apples.   Brian, Rob & I opted out this time to let the others who didn't play last time get  a chance to play... we had a nice time chatting though.  Around 10pm we said our good byes to Rob/Family as they would be leaving the next morning.  Thursday morning was a quick breakfast of dunkin donuts, & coffee.  (& Just for fun... I threw in a little emotional breakdown) I can't really explain it I think I just needed a good cry I suppose. I got over it fairly quickly though. Anyway...   Jim & his family went to do zip-lining in the morning after breakfast,  while our family went to see another lil' water fall near the condo called Buttermilk falls.  Afterwards we played mini golf & had a quick lunch of pizza.  That afternoon we ended up going to Dingman's Falls with everyone except Debbie & Christopher who were really wiped out from the zip-lining. Who could blame them?  I would probably have been too tired too.   Anyway... we ended the day by taking Jim/Debbie & everyone out to dinner as our thank you to them for sharing their time-share with us.   It was our way of saying thank you!  We left soon after dinner (ofcourse we couldn't resist an ice cream invite from Jim/Deb & boys!!) But after that we got on the road.  We were really missing our new puppy Cooper sooooo much!! We could not wait to pick him up on Friday morning!   Jim/Debbie & their boys along w/ Pat would be leaving on Saturday! We had a great time & most importantly I think PAT had a great time & Birthday present!!!!! Which was the most important thing!  

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Graduate

Emily B. 8th Grade Graduate


Well it's official one summer left & Emily will be in high school!  WOW! It's truly mind blowing how fast the time flew by..... BUT I could not be more proud of the young lady she is becoming.   Her last day of school was June 16th.  Her graduation was that night.  Her grandma, bless her heart,  traveled all the way from New Mexico to come to New Jersey to see her graduate.  With a little pit stop in Ohio to see her other grandkids too.  I was really happy we all got to see her & Emily really loved that Grandma made the trip.  It was a wonderful night,  with one exception it was so HOT in the school's gym where the ceremony was taking place.  Her middle school doesn't have air conditioning & it was seriously sweltering in there.  It was kind of funny seeing so many people using their "programs" as fans!!! It looked like a southern church in the heat of summer with all those "fans" going.  We also didn't have great seats so we couldn't see the ceremony so well.   Emily received several awards earlier in the day.  She got a language arts award.  She got a presidential award, & she made honor roll!!! WOW! You go girl...  Her 4th marking period grades were 100,98 & 92!  She really brought up her language arts grade & that made me so proud!!!!!  Anyway just wanted to jump on here & write a little something about this very special night & accomplishment for Emily.  My favorite part of the night was when all the kids sang, "Unwritten".  In case you don't know the song,  here are the lyrics.  I love that song & the kids did an incredible job with it.

I am unwritten
Can't read my mind
I'm undefined
I'm just beginning
The pen's in my hand
Ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, oh, oh
I break tradition
Sometimes my tries are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes
But I can't live that way
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
Oh, yeah, yeah
Published by
Lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

It was just an incredible night.  I was pretty amazed that I was able to get through the entire ceremony with out a tear.  I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I couldn't see Emily so well.   I'm now planning on "sleeping over" for seats at her high school graduation.  Lesson learned!!! ;) So very proud of you Emily!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Emily...a stylist? Who knew?

So Emily is going to her first "semi-formal" dance tonight.  It's her 8th grade dance.  She picked out this really pretty cobalt blue dress, that is very modest (If you knew Emily this would not surprise you,  while some teenagers push the "sexy" thing,  we have a rule stickler so if the school says no this or no that... Emily wouldn't ever think about breaking the rules, even for a dance... we are LUCKY!  LOL! ) but the dress looks so beautiful on her!!    I was quite impressed because at the store I wasn't sure about it but she was like oh, this is the one I want. & you know what?   She was totally right, it's so perfect for her, she tried it on in the store.. but last night when she did her little dress "rehearsal" ... with her shoes, & stockings.  She looked SO beautiful!  I couldn't believe how "grown up" she looked too.   I hope she has a great time tonight.  We haven't been given a lot of information about the dance.  Emily said the school said it wasn't "Prom" & that people shouldn't treat it as such.  I didn't know exactly what that meant.  I mean I know it doesn't cost $100 to go to & no one will probably show up in limos but I had a sneaky suspicion that the girls would get dressy dressed up.  IF Emily had it her way,  she would have showed up in So I suggested to Emily that maybe she should text a friend to find out what they are going to wear. (Plus.. I figured it was a good way for Emily to have what we call "a friend moment"  since Emily needs a little help in that department)   So she texted her friend Reilly.  She's a wonderful girl &  has always been a good friend to Emily.   Reilly's wearing a dress & yes it's fancy... lol. But the best part...They ended up having a text conversation & Reilly even asked Emily to come over maybe for pictures before the dance.  YES!!!  I was like, "see Emily the kids want to be your friends, it just takes reaching out & making efforts" She was smiling from ear to ear after their "conversation".  It made me so happy to see Emily happy like that too.   Anyway... as easy as the dress was to get, the shoes were another thing.  We recently found out that Emily's feet are actually two different sizes.  One foot is a 2 & the other is a 2 1/2 ... yes that size two.  Like the size that most 8 years old wear.  Whatever... she just has teeny tiny feet.  But it does make it more difficult to shop for.   Then again we can look at it in a positive light... her shoes generally cost less.  ;)   But because dressy shoes have to really fit well.  We were having a real hard time finding anything that would work.  When we were at the mall, we went to the store "The Shoe Dept" to see, & while they had plenty of options.  The size 3's were swimming on her & the size 2's were a bit tight.  We ended up going with a "sandal" type shoe that was a wedge high heel. Again, I wasn't sure and initially didn't like it but it looks great w. the dress & the silver goes really really well with the cobalt blue.  again, I was wrong.. LOL! Emily is going to be thrilled with this blog, as I keep admitting that I was wrong & she was RIGHT... lol.   Anyway.   for my part I've been trying to learn how to French braid her hair.  Just to do a little something special with her hair for the dance.... well what I've learned is that French braiding hair is hard.  I must have watched 50 youtube videos on how to do it, & while I get the concept, the "actual" doing it is another thing.. basically it looks like crap.. think birds nest.. lol.  I'm blaming it on the fact I never had one of those "Barbie heads" when I was a little girl.  You know the one's I'm talking about?  The big heads with hair that you could style.  Never had one... & while I never was a girly girl really.   I kind of did always want one of them.  lol   We'll see.... I did actually managed to do a side "French braid" on me that looked pretty good... so I'll see how it goes tonight (I'm not expecting much).   If not I'll just use a straightener on it & call it a  Anyway... it's an exciting day!!! Fingers crossed she has a great, super funtastic time!  :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

For Emily

So Emily will be graduating 8th grade soon.  She came in from school the other day & said, "so it's official (she likes grand statements)... there are only 11 school days left til the end of the school year!" (9 as of today) WOW!  It blows my mind how fast the time goes.  If you are reading this and you're having a hard busy day running after your toddler,  take a breath, take a moment & just enjoy.  Mark it down.  Ask them silly questions & listen to their silly answers.  It's going to go by soooo fast.  They will grow into amazing people & each chapter of their childhood will be filled with amazing moments.  BUT It just goes by so fast.... super fast.  I love the quote that goes something like this,  "Parenting... The days may be long but the years are quick"  It's so true.  So Emily as this school year is ending & your next chapter about to begin, remember you are capable of so much & that I love you.  I have loved every moment with you,  you make me so very proud of the person, you are becoming & I can't wait to witness the amazing moments of your life that have yet to come.  You are the bestest kiddo.  I love you!!!!  -Mommy

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cooper day 5

OMG CUTENESS!!!!!!!! #BorderCollie

Sunday, May 31, 2015

home atlast... home atlast, God all mighty he's home atlast.

We had such a wonderful first day with our new furry son.  As my previous post explained we named him Cooper.  Cooper is such a wonderful puppy.  A lot more affectionate than I thought he'd be, a real lover.  He's the sweetest pup!  I'm so happy, a bit tired but happy.  Cooper had a great day, and even though he has diarrhea right now, which we find strange cause we didn't change his food from what we were told they were given him.   Although honestly we don't know how long ago he was weaned from his mother. Of course,  we thought of a hundred questions to ask the breeder after we left with Cooper, but at the time we were just so super happy & excited to finally see him & take him home.  Even with his diarrhea, he didn't have any "poop" accidents in the house.  A few close "pee" calls & one small pee accident.   Luckily we bought some "enzyme" cleaner that cleans & deters him from going there again.  Fingers Crossed it does... anyway.  I just wanted to pop on here & share some of our pictures with you.    I (especially) have spent the last 3 weeks feverishly reading about border collies, & quite honestly was a little worried...  because I filled my mind with all these "super hyper", extremely needy, "horror stories" of Border collies.   I was beginning to "freak" myself out.  It was honestly the complete opposite of that,  he was calm, sweet & the most lovable puppy.   Now I know it's only been one day & I'm sure as we relax a little & aren't "monitoring" him like every second there will be moments of  "oops".  But honestly this first day went so much better than I could ever dream it could go that I have loads of confidence that Cooper will be a great addition to our family.  Emily is so excited to start training him... she of course needs to learn a little more patience & that training him takes time. But....    Last night he didn't even have an accident in his crate.  He whimpered to go out every 2 to 3 hours, but didn't poop or pee in his crate so we couldn't really ask for anything more.  We are of course hoping as he grows & when he realizes we aren't going to abandon him, he'll sleep for longer periods, cause that was a bit rough. lol. But he has given us so much joy already.  Couldn't be happier with Cooper.  We love him already!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


We are going to get a new puppy & his name is "Cooper"!!! Emily named him, after "SHELDON COOPER" from the Big Bang Theory.  I love the name!!!! It is perfect cause he's a border collie, which is the "smartest" dog breed.  Brian likes it I think cause he can call him, "Cooper... the Pooper" I'm hoping it's more like Cooper... the "Outside" pooper" LOL!  He's almost 7 weeks old & we got him from a reputable breeder in Lancaster PA.  It's been over a year now that we considered getting a dog & what kind of breed to get. So it's been a long time coming.  We have to wait til he's 8 weeks old to bring him home but Brian & Emily did go out to pick him out.  It's important that we wait til he's 8 weeks so that he can learn what he needs to from his mother & siblings.  For example not to bite too hard.  Puppies learn this important rule from their siblings, when after biting a brother or sister too hard,  they will hear a big yelp & tend to get shunned for a while,  & if they are taken away from them too soon may not learn this lesson along with other "puppy" need to live by rules. So,  needless to say we are ok with waiting... BUT he's so cute!!!   Brian & Emily got to play with him for awhile & hold him, etc.  We can't wait!!!  When he can come home will be about a month since we went to visit him & put down the deposit for him... so it's been really hard to wait but it was actually a good thing because it allowed us to have the time we needed to get everything ready for him.  So far we got him: a dog bed, lots of dog toys including:  Frisbees, a baby kong- a teething type toy for puppies, you put treats inside & they chew on it, a rope toy, a duck, balls, etc., we also got him a stainless steel dog bowl set, a crate (for traveling & sleeping in ONLY), a gate to keep him safely upstairs, a leash, & a doggy book of the breed for us.  We still have to get him training treats, his puppy food, house training mats, & a collar----& I'm sure a ton more but it's a pretty good start!   We also have used this time to TRY to puppy proof the house, looking into "dog" insurance, we think we are going with the "preventive kind" which includes all vaccines, his neutering, & general care with a fee you pay ever month---plus 20% off flea/tick, & heart worm medicine, we also have spent some time getting the yard in order-(removing the sticks, debris  & such from the yard).  I'm both super excited & just a tad nervous.  This type of dog is very very energetic & requires ALOT of physical & mental exercise BUT I do believe we can handle all of it.  We are up for the challenge! We want to do everything right with this new puppy now that Emily is older & more independent we feel like it's the perfect time to bring in a new furry family member.  We have also looked into obedience school, & possibly doing something like "agility classes" with him.  Emily is super excited to get to "teach" him!  OH.... & Brian especially wants to take him hiking.  (which the breeder has told us, he will LOVE!!) I'm hoping that having a very active dog will get us all to be a bit more active, I mean really we won't have any choice about the matter.  We will probably have to take him on up to 3 or 4 long walks a day!!!! This dog was breed to be out in the field "herding" all day.... so it's in there blood to exercise.  The lucky thing is though that with Brian working from home all day, it's really ideal.  He can take breaks for a bit during the day to do a little exercise with Cooper. & Emily/I will help when we are home too.   I like the idea that Emily & I will have a guard dog when Brian's away too.  So can't wait to meet him, & get to know his personality.  He was a real love bug when they picked him out & seemed to pick them out as much as they picked him.   Anyway.. I'm so eager to have Cooper here with us, that I go on the breeder's email/facebook page everyday hoping they put up a new pic of him, so it's a really exciting time for our family.   Anyway... here's a pic of COOPER!!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Watched the movie, "Hope Floats" again today.  I like this movie & the more I watch it the more I like it.  It's one of those movies.  The first time I watched it was years ago,  & I thought it was a little slow.  I think now that I'm older & (maybe slower myself) I really liked it much better. Also,  WOW! I never realized how awesome the soundtrack was.... I'm thinking about buying the CD.  Anyway... thought I would share the lyrics to one of the songs on here..... cause isn't this how we all wish that someone loved us or showed us how they loved us. 

Album: Hope Floats
~ Bob Dylan ~ 1957
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When evening shadows and the stars appear
And there's is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
There's no doubt in my mind where you belong
I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
There ain't nothing' that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love
The storms are raging on a rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothin' like me yet
There ain't nothin' that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
Make you happy make your dreams come true
To make you feel my love

Friday, May 15, 2015

Write.... right?

I like to write.  It doesn't mean I'm good at it.  I know I'm not really.  But I do enjoy it,  maybe perhaps it was a missed calling.  Meaning,  if I had went to school & learned how to do it well... well, who knows?    I don't know. & I know I know.... it's not too late.   Maybe though for me... this is enough.   I'm not sure if I made it a "job", I would get the same pleasure out of it.  If I knew I was being "judged" on it like that,  I'm not sure I'd want to. LOL!   Plus there's no pressure.. I get to do it when I want to & when I don't I don't.  It's awesome to know that you're free to write whatever it is you want.  That this is my blog & no one else's.  I own the words. The good, the bad... & in my case sometimes the ugly.   Doing this blog really does make me happy to write.  I don't know why,  I just get something from it.  A pleasure.  For me why I started writing was because my mom passed away too young & there were soooo many things I wished I knew from her,  I've said it before but she passed away at such a critical time in "our" relationship.    No... it wasn't like I was a child anymore who needed her in the same way, and maybe that's the point... it was a time when I was just becoming a mother,  when I could see us becoming "friends" see us becoming "equals".  There were soooo many questions I wished I'd asked her.  But I never got the chance.  SO many times I wished I simply had more of her.  OF her wisdom, or philosophies, or simply how she saw life.  What mattered to her?  What did she really miss, or love, or yearn to be.  What did she want, or see or regret?  A million tiny questions... that I'll never really know the answers to now.  So that was why.  I wanted my child to have some of those answered by me.  What I found out was that I enjoyed writing & sharing.  My only disappointment really is just I wish  I was even more of a "carefree" writer.   I wish I wasn't the type to care about how I might come of, or what another person thinks of what I have to say.  That I could be more free.  That I could share even more of my feelings, that I wasn't afraid of what others would think of  my thoughts.  Cause isn't that what I wanted to do.  But I think I'm just not brave enough to do that...atleast not yet.   Something happened a while ago that has made it even more difficult for me to share everything.   I shared a little story on twitter.  Which was simply shared to explain further why I wrote something... & someone close to me, took it completely the wrong way.  I was not trying to be mean.  But someone took it sooo completely the wrong way that I think it stifled my "willingness" to express things.  Or I guess I should say,  I let it. Either way... it doesn't make for the best writer?  Does it?      I actually am quite disappointed that I let it do that,  because I never doubted my actions.  I knew it was my story to share.  That I had a right to say it, & I didn't do anything wrong.  But yet still.. I know in some major way I let it affect how I wrote after that.  I allowed it to make me completely worried about "how" someone would take something I said.  Even putting this out here makes me a tad nervous.  It's silly really.  Anyway.... I hope maybe one day I'll be able to write freely, without my own limitations getting in my way.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

What's a "cellphone"?

Brian, Emily & I decided to go to a little Italian restaurant in our hometown for lunch today.  They have really good pizza.  We've been going there for years but not so much in the last couple so it makes me happy whenever we go,  cause it reminds me of those "earlier" days.  Anyway..... on the way there we were driving along behind this car that had a problem with it's back end.  It was driving real low,  it was an older style car.  It almost looked like a "low rider" car but I don't believe it was intentional,  AND I think usually those are the opposite the back is higher than the front.  Brian said maybe there was something wrong with the suspension.  Whatever that means.  But it was very shaky & very low.  It made me sad, because I totally made an assumption about it.   I said, "That's too bad she probably doesn't have the money to get it fixed"  Which reminded me about my own childhood.  I remember my mom every few years would get a "new" car,  not because we were rich but because the only cars she could afford cost like $200-$500 and were about 200-1000 miles away from "junk" yard heaven.  SO we had a bunch of cars growing up.  A bunch of "piece of shit" cars.   Usually at some point the transmission went or the engine or sometimes even things like the "radiator" would go & we'd be screwed.  You see, we were the living definition of "paycheck to paycheck"  So often times my mom would drive the car even when she shouldn't.  I don't really remember all the "kinds" of cars we had.  I remember we had a "white" car when I was like in middle school that was so in need of a new muffler that for about a 1/4 mile down the road behind us, there would be this HEAVY cloud of "white" smoke that trailed our car.  It was really embarrassing for us kids.  But what could my mom do,  we needed to eat SO embarrassed or not this was the only way we could get around.  Anyway...this car today made me think of that "time"of my childhood & I shared the story w/ Brian & Emily.  It also made me really grateful that we are in a better shape financially than I was growing up.  We are FAR from rich,  but I feel like we are doing ok.  In some ways more than ok.  We have enough & when something comes up, usually we can handle it.  Sometimes we can't... & sometimes things have to wait BUT we are in a relatively good "space".  To put it simply Emily won't have to be embarrassed about our car or an eviction notice posted on the door to the place we live in at the moment.  We have a decent house that is ours & a reliable car.  It's different than it was for me.   Growing up the way I did wasn't all bad... but it was tough.  I remember rushing to get a job at 16 just so I could afford things that I wanted because my mom couldn't afford all the "fluff" that a teenager cares about.... like year books, clothes, school dance tix, etc.   If I wanted those things I had to work.   My first job was at Taco Bell... I loved earning a pay check, I loved the freedom it gave me.  I remember I always gave my mom some of it.  I don't think she asked me too but I always did.... I didn't like to see her struggle the way she did.    I also remember sometimes even with me working I still couldn't get everything I wanted... there was only about two times that I actually paid for the dresses I would wear to fancy dances at school, the other times I asked friends if they had one I could borrow.  The yellow dress I wore my junior prom was from a girl that I worked with at Taco Bell.  The pink one I wore when I was in 10th grade & went to my hs boyfriend's jr prom was one I borrowed from a girl at school.  Hand me downs... & I was grateful for them.  The pretty pink one I wore to my senior prom was one that I(maybe my mom helped too) bought, I was so proud of that dress because it was paid for & I loved it!  :) I've been thinking about my "generation" lately and despite everything.... how lucky we were... that we were really the last generation to "appreciate" things in a way that the majority of kids today don't.  We didn't have our heads down, looking at text messages because we don't know how to talk to each other in real life. Not only did I have to talk to my friends, but they were kind enough to "lend" me prom dresses.  It was a different time... those 80's.   You know,  I love watching the tv show, "The Goldbergs" because it really totally reminds me of how good we had it.  Every Wednesday when there's a new episode I kind of get excited to remember that time.  And honestly no matter how difficult at times it was....  I loved growing up then...... a time before computers, cellphones, & instant everything.  When life was financially difficult, (*for my family anyway).... but more simple.

 A few pics from the 80's.... Gotta love "Jersey" 80's hair too.  That is the pink proudly "bought" dress! LOL! & the "yellow dress w/ swimmies" I borrowed from my taco bell friend.  :)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

and Introducing... Emily Roach

So tonight Emily overcame her fear, & took the stage for the first time in her school's drama production.  She even had a "speaking" part!!   Not bad for her first year going out for it.   Her school put on, "The Comic Book Artist".  It was a super comedy comic adventure!!  Emily was in scene 1, she played a kid in a comic book store & scene 7 where she was in pretty much the entire scene as a member of the "crowd".   We were super proud, we've been trying to encourage Emily to get more "involved" in her school's social scene, so it was great seeing this giant step.... live on stage.  She hammed it up (a bit too much maybe) on stage BUT in her "awesome... can't help but love her for it way!"   She's unique & that's AWESOME!! But it's also at times,  hard for us to know that in "Middle school" especially, that doesn't always translate to "fitting in".  It's hard seeing that.  We want her to have loads of friends... because we know how truly awesome she is!  She doesn't judge, & likes everyone.  She's loads of fun & can teach her friends so much.... but middle school is that time when kids generally want to hang with the quote un quote... "popular" kids & it hurts our hearts sometimes to know she doesn't have a lot of friends.  As such,  it really made my night to see Emily up there, doing something together with kids who could potentially become friends.   I want more than anything in my heart for someone to take a real interest in being her friend.  & not just a "school" friend, cause Emily has some of them but a friend who wants to HANG out with her over everyone else.   To laugh harder than they've ever laughed together.   TO find a friend to just be silly with, to giggle at, to just have fun.... & to have each other's backs, that's one of my main  wishes for my daughter.  That she gets to experience that kinship with someone.  SO tonight I'm beyond happy that she took a step in that direction & of all the joyful moments of the play.   The one that warmed my heart the most was seeing the girl who came over to dance with Emily at the end when Emily was dancing by herself & the other girl who accepted a hug from Emily during the "celebration" at the end of the play. That was when this very proud Mama lost it a bit... the tears overcame me & I lost my composure for just a second.  As they say, A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...& I hope I witnessed  Emily's friendships journey start tonight!

Monday, April 27, 2015

March for Babies day 2015

So Sunday April 26th was our March for Babies walk this year.  Our team raised $3,311.00!!  Not our highest amount but still a lot of money.  I was really proud of our team!!! We had a few new team walkers as my brother & sister in law decided to walk with us this year. YAY!   Our family team consisted of 9 members but only 7 actually walked this year.  The other two weren't able to walk but did raise some money & were still part of the team! I'm hoping next year more will decide to walk with us.  The day of the walk we had such beautiful weather & it really dawned on me that I can't remember ever having bad weather the day of the walk.  Some years it's been pretty hot, but this year it was sunny & in the high 50's/low 60's which is perfect for walking in.  Brian again gave a speech at the beginning of the walk & Brian was again interviewed by the college station at the Rowan University, except this year Emily joined him.  She was super excited!! They ended up being about a 1/2 hr behind us, but somehow boogied their way to catching up to us.  I wasn't sure they would actually reach us, but they managed to catch up about 3/4 into the 5 mile walk. I was quite impressed with that, since Emily & exercise normally don't go hand in hand. lol. BTW....  I'm not sure if I mentioned it in my last post but Emily was actually featured on the "March for babies" collection envelopes this year!!! So she was a bit of a "celebrity"... lol, at this years walk. Here's a picture of our team from the walk.  :) Thank you to everyone who donated this year & helped us to raise money to help babies be born healthy!  We had a fun day!

Monday, April 20, 2015

March for Babies update!!!!!

               March for Babies Update!!!

Our family team, "Team Emily CR213" is at $2,621.00 raised for March of Dimes this year.  WooHoo!!!! Thank you to everyone who donated already, but we have less than a week to go & a long way to go to reach our $5,000.00 goal, so please consider making a donation to our team or my personal page if you haven't yet. The money I collect there will go towards the team total AND it goes directly to the March of Dimes to help them fight premature births and to give every baby a healthy start.  Please click on the link on the side of my blog to make a donation, & Thanks again.  xo

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The "Emily" Bridge

I haven't written in a while because my computer has been out of commission.   It still is but I'm using my surface.  But it's difficult for me to use as my fat fingers don't work so well with this tiny keyboard.. lol.  Anyway.... lets see... Emily had a bridge project, in of all classes Algebra 1.  She had to make a bridge using only standard size popsicle sticks & white Elmer's glue.  That's all they were allowed to use for materials & the crazy thing was it had to hold 40 pounds!!!!  I was like, " no way!".... But Emily did the research & decided to do a "Truss" bridge.  Which uses geometric shapes. Emily used triangles,  cause, " They are the strongest shape".  They were only given a little over a week to complete it.  Emily did such a great job on it!  I was really impressed with the job she did.  Brian helped a little but really just a little & pretty much only for holding it when she needed him to ,while she was putting the clamps on.  I think the greatest thing she did was doing a little each night & using the clamps.  The clamps really helped keeping it sturdy while the glue dried.  Anyway,  it was nice cause I'm usually the one who helps Emily w her projects but this time it was a daddy/daughter thing.  I'm just grateful it was assigned while Brian was here, as he knew which clamps would work best & could take Emily out to get them.  I really didn't have alot of input on this project which was just fine w me.  lol  Anyway, It was due on April 1st!!!! Of course Emily took advantage of that date & pulled a really good Aprils fools trick on me. When she got home from school that day,  she said in the most believable & saddest way,.." Mom we ended up testing the bridges today & mine only held 35 pounds.". Now...The only flaw in Emily's plan was my reaction.  I got really excited because after re-reading the grading system that morning it said 30+ pounds was still good but 40 pounds + got you extra points!!!  We had all been thinking it was 40pounds so she thought 35 pounds wasn't so good. But I was like, " Em that's really good!!!!!" When she then said April's fools!!!!  I was like... oh, you got me!!!! She totally did too! I fell for it completely!!!!  The thing was though now I was like oh.... I hope it holds that much when they actually test it,  to tell the truth I was a bit relieved knowing the test was over, & it held up pretty well.   I really only cared cause I knew how hard Emily had worked on it & I really wanted her to get a good grade for that reason most of all.  We of course would have to wait awhile for the actually weight test on the bridge which wouldn't be completed until after spring break which was a good 5 days away... lol.  It was the next Thursday when she found out how well it did.   I found out at work when I get the following text from Emily, " Hi Mommy I'm at drama club, and they gave me permission to text u. Also we tested bridges 2day and my bridge held...... wait 4 it.....165POUNDS!! My teacher said it was a class record!!!"  Of course I was super proud & bragging to all my co workers. I even went back & shared it with the Pharmacy guys.  How awesome!!!!  #proudmama

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Those damn whippersnappers

 Yesterday I was at Kmart in our town.  I'm not a frequent shopper of kmart, because the one by us,  never seems to have enough registers open & I find that annoying & it's in need of a big time make over so I don't find that much pleasure in the shopping experience,  but I do like that they support the March of Dimes so there is that and I NEEDED a glass pyrex lasagna dish for dinner.  We used to have two of them but they seemed to have disappeared.  I wonder if I broke them & forgot about it or left them at someone's house.... either way I couldn't find one to save my life... ok well to at least save dinner.  SO I just went to the closest place to us which was Kmart.  I go in & immediately head towards the kitchen ware aisle in the back of the store.  I was able to find what I needed pretty quickly.. so that was a plus.  I start heading up to the front of the store where the registers are located & ofcourse there are like 6 customers in each line & only 2 lines OPEN.  UGH! I will say in their defense they did make an announcement that all "register trained" associates come to the front to ring people up.  After a few moments several employees start coming up front.  In the meantime though,  I see this very elderly man wearing a "WW II Veteran" hat standing in the line I'm not in, he's at the end of the line...  about 5 or 6 people back with one item.  a belt.  that was on clearance. (this has NO relevance to the story I just notice cause I'm cheap & therefore notice clearance   So I say to him... "you can go in front of me" after all he's a senior citizen & most probably a veteran. Then it dawn's on me.... does no one else notice him?  I guess it's wrong for me to assume that they did.... but it did make me think.   No one seems to pay attention to anyone else or anything else around them anymore.   Anyway... it made me kind of sad.  So as I see this worker coming to the front I say to him...."are you going to open a register?"  "yes" so I say.... "can you help this gentleman here first"  "yeah ok"  The veteran guy thanks me & I say, "no problem...thank you" He smiles.  It turns out that the older veteran gentlemen, me & another woman follow the worker into a newly opened line.  The one woman that was behind me says..."maybe you should work here"  ha... So I say, " I just feel like he's a veteran & a senior citizen & we should help him out"  She agrees.   Anyway.... the worker actually can't get a "till" to use because there is only one customer service rep to give him one & she's busy. UGH! SO I say, "well can you ring him up at the jewelry counter?"  He ask & he can.  The worker says in a regular voice, to the old man... "I can help you at the jewelry counter" & quickly walks away, I go to another register to wait.  Then I see the veteran guy looking confused at the end of the aisle we were just all in.  So I get out my line & direct him to the jewelry counter.  I guess this not that young but young(er) than me worker didn't care or atleast think enough to walk slower & speak louder to him.   It's something I've noticed since working "retail" after years of being away from it, these kids these days are so self-involved.   I see it all the time, & you know when it dawns on me the most when I actually get that one kid who's polite.  It's so refreshing.  It's so rare.  Maybe we were all like this when we were young,  maybe it's only cause I'm older now that I'm seeing it.  BUT I don't think we were this bad... I think it's all those devices these kids have grown  up on.  I know I sound so old..... "those damn whippersnappers."  But it is true....then again,  there were a lot of people in the lines, not just young people & NO ONE seemed to notice or help this man.   That's the problem... everyone seems oblivious these days.  I notice customers all the time who are on their phones WHILE I'm waiting on them.   Some of the times I think they are talking to me when they are talking to the person on the phone.  It's ridiculous.  It's rude & they don't even seem to notice or care that they are doing it.   I wish we as a society could look up every once in a while. Kind of like that picture of the guy on the boat who missed the "whale" swimming right beside the boat but never noticed it cause he was on his phone.  A once in a lifetime experience that he missed out on. That's what we've become.  It is sad.  Next time when you are out & about,  why not look up & out.... perhaps you'll see something or someone you wouldn't have otherwise.    Just a thought.